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Get a free, personalised plan to start your podcast

Invest 5 minutes answering simple questions and get yourself a personalised step-by-step plan to launch your podcast that will save you days. No guesswork, no browser tab overload. All you need is an idea and the will to bring it to life!

Let's get started!

What will your personalised podcast plan look like?

Based on your answers, we will recommend a set of resources tailored to you, your goals, and your budget. 

There are three stages between you today and your future podcast-hosting-self. We’ll take you through the whole journey.

👥 Audience - Step 1

Before you even start thinking about WHAT your podcast is, or HOW you'll make it, you need to define WHO it's for! What are you solving for them? Who are they? Why should they listen? This is your listener avatar.

📝 Architecture - Step 2

This is the part that most new podcasters overlook, and we think it’s the most important. Define what your podcast is, who is it for, what will it sound like, and what makes it unique. The form AND the function.

You’ll need: An idea for your podcast

🏗️ Construction - Step 3

Armed with confidence and a strong plan, let’s get to the best part: creating your show! We’ll cover what tools and equipment you really need, and we’ll give you an honest rundown of what editing is actually important.

You’ll need: A plan for your podcast idea

🚀 Expansion - Step 4

Once you’ve got your podcast off the ground, where to next? The podcaster’s journey doesn’t end there. You might build it, but it doesn’t mean they’ll come! This section is all about publishing, promotion, and monetization.

You’ll need: A live podcast

What is a Podcast "Avatar"?

Your podcast avatar is a fictional "ideal listener". Podcasters use their Avatars to think up new ideas, plan episodes, and talk directly to, each time they get behind the mic. We won't go into too much detail yet, but your audience is one of the most important parts of your podcast plan.

Is this a Free Tool?

Yes :-D The podcast planner is 100% free! No hidden purchases, no pay gates – nothing.