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Hire a Podcast Producer: Here Are Our Favourites


Are you at the stage where you’re looking to hire a podcast producer or podcast production company? Whether you’re after podcast production, mentorship, show note writing, or any number of other podcasting services, we’ve got you covered. Here, we list some of the best podcast production companies around to help you make the right choice. Let’s take a look!

A quick heads up, this article includes affiliate links to some of the services mentioned to help support the free content we produce.

TLDR – Just Find Me a Podcast Producer!

Our Podcast Production Company top pick:

Castos Productions

Post-production of your audio podcast episodes can be frustrating and time-consuming. The good news is – it doesn’t have to be that way! Outsource your whole podcast production to expert audio producers – with full training in producing professional shows – all you will have to do is record each episode and send the unedited files to Castos for further production.

OR > Lower Budget: Fiverr

Go with freelance sound engineer and podcast editor adamglider on Fiverr. We’ve tried him, and he’s great. You’ll get podcast production packages there for as little as $64.

OR > Automate It All

Podcast-maker tool Alitu is the ultimate way to automate editing, producing, and publishing a podcast. Even if you don’t know how or don’t have time, Alitu was built with you in mind.

Why Hire a Podcast Producer?

Most people get into podcasting because they have something to say. They have a message, and they want to share it with the world.

And, though there’s more to podcasting than just getting behind the mic and hitting record, all of these other tasks are often seen as necessary rather than enjoyable.

Of all the jobs involved, there are two that seem to cause the most grief among podcasters of all levels of experience.

Fed Up Editing?

Whether you call it editing, mixing, or post-production, there are a few reasons why you might dread this stage of making an episode.

Some find it difficult, time-consuming, or just flat-out boring.

Even taking a minimum effective editing approach involves opening up a DAW or editing software program, and just the thought of that can lead some podcasters to procrastination and even “podfading”.

Bored Writing Shownotes?

You probably didn’t get into an audio medium like podcasting for the thought of sitting down and knocking out 400-500-word blog posts every other week.

And whilst some podcasters love to write, others could really do without it.

Like editing, there’s a range of options available to you when choosing your preferred style of shownotes.

But whether you’re writing bullet points or something more akin to a small ebook, they’re still going to require your time and attention.

Outsourcing: Hire a Podcast Producer

So you might now be tempted to quote the immortal words of Homer Simpson – “Can’t someone else do it?”

The good news is that there’s a plethora of services and freelancers out there who’ll edit, write shownotes, and offer a whole range of other podcasting services on top of that.

But, sometimes having too much choice is hard work in itself, so if you’re in the mood to delegate everything, let us point out some options for you.

Podcast Production on Fiverr

If you’re looking to hire a podcast producer, then Fiverr is a freelancer marketplace where you can get all sorts of help with your content. It’s a really easy platform to navigate and use, though not without its risks, as there are a lot of questionable services on there, too.

With that in mind, we’ve hand-picked a few services for you below. These are all freelancers we’ve used in the past and have been very impressed with.

Hire a Podcast Producer

Hire a Shownotes Writer

Hire a Podcast Art Designer

Hiring Podcast Production Companies

Hiring a freelancer is a great option for many. But some prefer to have the weight of a full podcast production company behind them. This means that inevitable real-life stuff like illness and holidays are much less likely to interrupt your release schedule. So, what are your options here?

podcast production companies

Podcast Production Companies: What to Look For in 2024

Lower Street

Want to produce a next-level podcast that stands out from your competitors? Want to create a differentiated show and be sure you find the audience you’re trying to grow?

Want expert guidance from research, planning and scripting through guest booking and recording to post-production and distribution?

Skip the awkward years & launch a great show right away with Lower Street‘s podcast production services. Lower Street handles every step of podcasting for enterprises, high-ticket agencies, and consultants to nail your podcast strategy, content, and promotion from the very first episode.

Castos Productions

Castos Productions takes the hard work of post-production off of your hands, leaving you free to grow your show and connect with your audience.

Their podcast editing service is staffed by their own team of seasoned audio engineers, talented show note writers, and producers, who’ll take care of every aspect of your podcast after you record an episode.

We Edit Podcasts

We Edit Podcasts are another company that can take care of almost all aspects of your show. They offer everything from transcription to video editing. WEP have a nice Podcast Pricing Estimator feature on their site, too, so you can get an idea of your own bespoke costs.

The Podcast Host

Yep, us! Depending on what you’re looking for, we might be able to help.

Podcast production is one of the foundations of our business here at The Podcast Host. We know this type of work inside out.

We can teach you how to edit your own show, OR, we have a tool that’ll practically do it for you. But if you’re still looking to work with a dedicated podcast producer, then please tell us a bit more about your unique needs and wants. You can do that by taking a minute or two to fill out this short Podcast Production Enquiry form. We’ll look forward to hearing from you!

Want to Automate Your Editing?

It’s the future, and now you can have a robot edit your podcast as opposed to an actual human.

With that in mind, we actually went ahead and built such a robot. His name is Alitu, and he’s your very own “podcast-making” tool. He’ll practically build your episode for you.

Alitu is really simple to use, taking care of the processing, editing, and publishing of your podcast, without the need for any actual editing software. You can even chop out mistakes and unwanted segments by deleting text in the auto-generated transcripts, so you don’t need to know anything about audio production.

So whether you’re a complete beginner, or an experienced podcaster looking to drastically cut down on your production time, Alitu could be the answer you’re looking for!

Summary: Hiring a Podcast Producer or Podcast Production Company

Just to summarise, then. Here are your options.

Limited Budget Podcast Production

Looking for regular episodes edited and need to keep costs down to a minimum?

Full-Service Podcast Production Companies

Need a comprehensive production service that includes shownotes, publishing, social media promotion, and transcriptions?

DIY Podcast Production

Happy to take on a little of the work yourself, but want to automate all the difficult technical stuff?

Try Alitu for free and see what you think!

podcast editing software

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