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How to Advertise on Podcast Addict


Podcast Addict Ads: At-a-Glance

  • Podcast Addict is one of the biggest listening apps in the world
  • You can run paid ads on the platform to promote your show
  • Prices vary on things like category, demand, and language
  • You’ll get a new subscriber estimate from Podcast Addict, prior to buying your campaign
  • We tested it out ourselves, read on to find out how we fared…

Podcast Addict is one of the biggest podcast listening platforms on the planet. They offer some impressive stats on their official site, declaring that they are Android’s number 1 podcast app with over 10 million downloads, 500,000 reviews, and an average rating of 4.7/5. Here’s our review of Podcast Addict, from a listener perspective.

As a podcaster, you want your show to be available everywhere podcasts are consumed to give yourself the best possible chance of growing. With an app the size of Podcast Addict, you definitely want to be listed here.

If your show is in Apple Podcasts, the chances are, you’re already available in Podcast Addict too. But if for some reason you aren’t, you can quickly and easily submit right here.

Advertising on Podcast Listening Apps

We’ve written a full guide on podcast advertising, and how running paid ads is one of the quickest ways to boost your audience. Advertising inside a podcast listening app can be especially effective because 100% of the folks who see it are thinking about listening to podcasts at that very moment. Why else would they be looking through a podcast listening app?

We originally tested podcast advertising on Overcast, which is a hugely popular iOS-based listening app.

The next step was to give Podcast Addict ads a spin. They’re similar to Overcast’s in many ways.

Podcast Addict ads example

Podcast Addict Ads

One slight variation is that there are 2 different ad placements available. You can opt for the main screen – the area where users are searching for new podcasts. Or, you can place your ad in a specific category to target users browsing in there.

You can run your podcast ad in any language. Once live, it will run for a full month.

Cost of Advertising on Podcast Addict

Podcast Addict ad prices will depend on multiple factors. Main screen ads are going to be a lot more expensive than specific category ads. The categories you can advertise in will depend on the categories you’ve selected for your show inside your media hosting account.

podcast addict ad prices 1

I’m including some pricing example screenshots here for various shows we run. Like anything, costs will fluctuate based on demand. I mentioned language advertising too, and running ads in a language other than English are going to cost a bit less.

podcast addict ad prices 2

When buying your Podcast Addict ad campaign you’ll see estimated click and subscription numbers. Obviously these are estimates, and Podcast Addict are keen to stress that. Ads are non-refundable if your show fails to hit these targets.

podcast addict ad prices 3

Any paid advertising campaign is a gamble. Whether or not the cost to estimated reward of running Podcast Addict ads looks worth it to you, will depend on your own budget, show, and motivations.

Our Podcast Addict Ad Campaign

Unfortunately, we didn’t fare so well in our own Podcast Addict ad ventures.

Podcraft advertised on Podcast Addict

We decided to run one for our ‘how to podcast’ show Podcraft. The ad ran in the technology category, and cost $150.

Whilst we did fall within the estimated clicks range, we were short of the lowest subscriber estimate of 25, picking up only 18 in the end.

I don’t think this was any fault of Podcast Addict. Getting an ad in front of just shy of 200k potential listeners for $150 is great value. The rest is up to the content on offer.

Podcasts about podcasting are highly niche, and we’ve talked a lot before about the complexity of audience numbers and what’s a ‘good’ number of downloads for a podcast.

When we advertised on Overcast, we’d used a health-based show which performed pretty well. The target audience for that one is much higher though, so it’s unfair to offer a direct comparison between Podcast Addict ads, and Overcast ads.

Should I Run Podcast Addict Ads?

As always, it depends on a lot of your unique factors. If you have a bit of an advertising budget and need to grow your audience quickly, then there will be many worse places to spend it.

Weigh up the potential cost of each new subscriber. Does this seem worth it to you? If you run a podcast that markets your business, and you’re selling four figure products and services, this could be a great investment.

On the other hand, if your show is more of a hobby, it might seem like too much of a financial gamble. There are loads of other ways to promote your podcast and grow your audience – many of them free. They say you’ll either pay for something in money or in time, but for many, the latter will be more appealing.

If you do want to go down the paid ads route, you might want to consider running an Overcast campaign at the same time, too. That way, you’ll cover both the iOS and Android listener market.

Need More Help?

As I’ve mentioned, there are many different ways to grow your audience. Some will suit you and your show really well, others probably won’t. In Podcraft Academy we have a dedicated podcast promotion course called 30 Days of Audience Growth. We have courses on pretty much every other aspect of podcasting, too. On top of that, there’s downloadable resources, checklists, and other useful tools. We run weekly live Q&A sessions in the Academy so you’re constantly able to get the help and support that you need.

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